The Business Planning service consists in the representation of the provisional cash flows relating to the refinancing of overdue debts, real estate investments or complex operations such as the handling of unlikely to pay loans and resolved real estate leasing agreements, or purchase of properties by judicial auction for subsequent value enhancement on the free market (REO). In this service we include the Basic Business Plan, elaborated with the information from our Clients. In case of requests for greater detail and verification of values, the activities of Valuation, Due Diligence or Portfolio Assessment become preparatory to the elaboration of the Business Plan.
Our experience in the most diverse real estate and debt situations has enabled us to perfect sensitive and composite models of calculation, adaptable to the different aims of the project. Our Analysts’ thorough technical know-how enables us to accompany our Clients in the constant work of fine-tuning and perfecting of the Business Plan instrument in view of specific and variable objectives, assisting them in the strategic choices and in the immediately subsequent passage to the detail, verification and implementation stages.