Advanced Valuation


Advanced Valuation is required in all those cases where a Basic Valuation is not sufficient in relation to the aims of the project. Each real estate asset is treated as a situation in itself and the detailed study of the technical and urban aspects together with the analysis of the possible exit strategies are calibrated to the specific aims of our Clients.


Study and detailed analysis of the technical-urban aspects
Complete Due Diligence of the property: administrative, plant and equipment, environmental, legal, financial
Business Plan with identification of the different possible scenarios of development
Elaboration of a strategic and operative marketing plan


Consolidated experience in technical and real-estate analysis, the capabilities of study and management of complex ownership and loan situations, and continuous synergy with our internal Market Research Division enable our Clients to obtain a complete and integrated picture of complexes, development projects and real estate operations at any level, in an asset or trading perspective.

For further information

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